
A trusting place

for hearts to meet

Where does your heart feel drawn?


This work has profoundly changed my life.

Sharing this work and the gifts this work can bring, is my passion.

 Meeting in mutuality, the way we do, gives me/us an opportunity to Live LOVE FULLY in the moment. However that is showing up for me/us in that moment.

We are Divinely Human, and it is wonderful to drop deep into the reality of our own unique expression of our Divinely Human Self.

Diving deep into our Divinity and diving deeply into our humanness.


“Ardith is one of the deepest hearts I know. She is the Mother who loves without condition and the child who feels without defense. Ardith is the love that transcends darkness and light and the connection between our hearts and the heart of all Being. I hope you have the opportunity to experience her love.” 

Ted Strauss

Senior Teacher (ret.), Trillium Awakening

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