“What’s arising in you?”

Father’s Day Sittings

Join us on Sunday, June 20th

Meditate and celebrate!

“What’s arising in you?” Father’s Day CelebrationĀ 

When: Sunday, June 20

I am inviting you, if you feel called to, to join me in a small group sitting to celebrate Father’s Day and explore what’s arising in you.


I will be offering a morning and an evening sitting on June 20th and would love if you felt called to join either for the morning or evening sitting…or both šŸ˜‰

The morning sitting will start at 8am MDT.Ā 
The evening sitting starts at 7pm MDT


Cost: Donation
Please donate whatever you feel called and able to.
You can send your donation via etransfer or paypal to [email protected]


In order to be able to journey deep into the heart and allow ample space for sharing, guided meditations, gazing, exploration and experiments I will limit it to so small number of participants. NOTE: You will need to register for each sitting you would like to attend both.Ā 

Register for the AM Sitting here

Register for the PM Sitting here